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Spend time in Thailand and you will discover Thailand life is full of strange events, facts, and oddities. Inventive 3 wheel transport in Thailand has evolved. Gasoline in Thailand is often dispensed in dangerous ways. And unlicenced Thailand dogs and controlling them is a concern. But Fruit and vegetable carving is an art to be envied.
In this article I have written a brief expose on four aspects of Thailand life, which include an unusual happening, a danger to the public, a vital public health and safety service, and a beautiful art.
How 3 Wheel Transport in Thailand caused excitement
My first expose on Thailand life was an unusual happening with a clear message to anyone listening.
The term Multi Purpose Motorcycle has taken on a new meaning in our village. Why spend a fortune on a conventional four-wheel MPV, when you can get a great ‘Platinum’ three-wheeler for a fraction of the cost?
Or even a Honda Motorbike Multi Purpose Bike [ MPB ] Conversion Kit, if you prefer something cheaper but still practical.

Platinum three wheeler one-off flying visit
I nearly fell off my walking shoes when I turned the corner and saw this really cool dude selling dried chillies and garlic from the back of his multi purpose motorcycle hot-rod. The village had never seen anything like it. And we haven’t since. It was another quirk of Thailand life, and the man’s first and last visit. I have no idea where he came from or where he went, but he caused a stir that morning.
The bait
But that’s not all. A classy salesman, he baited his line by serenading the farmer’s wives with some smooth Thai music they couldn’t resist. He played it at an acceptable volume, which was unusual for mobile vendors.
It was a pleasant change and entertaining. Normally, the government blast ear-splitting, distorted stuff at us several times a week, from the tops of telegraph poles linked around the villages.
Successive governments seem to think we need to be scared out of our wits before we wake up. Just in case we forget to get out of bed, I imagine. The danger has obviously not occurred to the authorities. There is a possibility that frail old folk, or those of nervous disposition might die from the shock.
And private vendors try to sell their wares from the comfort of their trucks without stopping to engage with anyone. They fail to realise that earsplitting announcements over mobile tannoys is more likely to drive people back into the safety and quiet of their homes.
But this man was a class act, an entertainer who made shopping fun. It was hardly surprising he cleaned up before setting off somewhere to buy more stock.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he now has a fleet of Platinum 3 wheel transport in Thailand, evryone with a trained driver.
The Multi Purpose Motorcycle
Back to the multi purpose motorcycle. I was so taken with the vehicle, which was indeed multi-purpose. But I forgot to ask the vendor where he came from. Everything was brand spanking new. He dropped the sides down for loading. The PA system was ‘state of the art’. And his leather bomber jacket and suede trilby set the whole thing off perfectly.
Unfortunately I had to go
Then I had to rush to see the monk who was just finishing his morning alms round. I needed to ask him something before he got back to his temple hideaway, and I got back to studying Thailand life.
Outlets for Gasoline in Thailand should be safer
My second expose on Thailand life highlights a potentially serious danger to the public.
While I was riding on the notoriously slow Phuket public transport, I noticed that vending machines had moved on to a whole new level in Thailand life. Forget the boring old chocolate and jelly bean dispensers. Gasoline suppliers had teamed up with vending machine manufacturers, and self-service gasoline pumps were becoming all the rage. Gasoline suppliers were installing them outside people’s homes, presumably to help home-owners to make a part-time buck.
The convenience of gasoline pumps on every corner
Suppliers put them in outlying district villages for the convenience of motorcyclists who may live too far away from a gas station. It is a noble concept for those living in outlying areas.
But it seemed to me the majority of the vending pumps were in built-up areas like Phuket where there are plenty of gasoline stations within spitting distance of everyone. Also, there are many general vendors who sell gasoline in whiskey bottles for emergencies. I try not to dwell on the safety aspect of that commercial initiative too much.
I can imagine why there is a proliferation of the vending machines in areas where they are not a necessity. The vending machine companies are pushing sales hard where there are most people. It seems haphazard and unplanned but, with tongue in cheek, maybe there is a bigger picture which I don’t know about.
I applaud the entrepreneurial spirit, but here’s my take.
These machines are unguarded, unsecured, open 24/7 and are accessible to anyone.
- late night revellers who may be drunk and stop to refuel with a lighted cigarette hanging from the corner of their mouths.
- Children who can easily reach the slot and put a few coins in, then light a firework and blow themselves, their families and anyone in the near vicinity into kingdom come. And
- Anyone with a mind to wreak havoc.
Are children’s lives put at risk by gasoline pumps?

I saw three children between the ages of 7 and 10, playing with the gasoline pump in the picture on the left. One of them removed the hose from its holder and pretended to spray the others. I cringed at the thought that one of them may have had a few coins and a box of matches.
Responsible gasoline suppliers and safety
The authorities must give considerable thought to the potential hazards when they issue licences to the vending machine companies. I assume government and the suppliers of gasoline are responsible for safety. And surely they have to be licenced, as gasoline is a lethal, inflammable substance. Or have they propelled themselves into the next world, hoist by their own petard and moved on to a more exciting project like – Nuclear 7-elevens?
Soi Dog are doing a great job for Thailand Dogs

My third expose on Thailand life is a vital public health and safety service.
I visited Soi Dog in the North of Phuket to find out more about the non-profit organisation that alleviates the suffering of animals by sterilising and vaccinating dogs and cats.
Soi Dog treats sick, injured and abused animals. It also fights the cruel and illegal dog meat trade and shelters and re-homes street dogs and cats. A dog’s life is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Volunteer helpers are always welcome at Soi Dog
Natasha was my teacher and a volunteer from Oregon in the USA. She had been travelling with her husband through India, Cambodia, Nepal and Vietnam. Now she was in Thailand and she found her way to Soi Dog two and a half months before my visit, where she volunteered to walk the dogs and conduct visitor tours.
I was one of Natasha’s pupils for an hour or so as she took us through the labyrinth of dog runs. She eloquently and knowledgeably explained the workings of the foundation which was started by John Dalley and his wife Gill in 2003.
Soi Dog Mobile
The centre housed 650 dogs and more than 100 cats. Since it began 135,000 dogs had been sterilised and the target was to do 80% of all the dogs in Phuket. Soi Dog has mobile facilities operating in Phangna province north of Koh Phuket, with plans for more. The Foundation works closely with the local towns who are responsible for informing the locals when they will be visiting.

Become a donor

If you get the opportunity to visit Soi Dog don’t miss it. The level of commitment to the project and the warm welcome will surprise you.
The staff of approximately 150 which includes many volunteers is dedicated to Soi Dog and its aims. Its success is reliant on charitable donations and whether you visit in person or online you will feel compelled to help in whatever way you can. Even if you only pass on the news about Soi Dog you will have made a valuable contribution towards solving a worldwide problem.
Help make sure it’s not a dog’s life any longer.
Fruit and Vegetable carving is an art

My fourth expose on Thailand life is about the beautiful art of fruit and vegetable carving as practised in Thailand.
Turning common garden vegetables into works of art as adornments for a day or so may seem pointless. But two thousand years ago another well known trick may have seemed like a great idea.
Turning water into wine

When converting water into wine became popular about two thousand years ago, I don’t suppose it was ever imagined that anyone would want to try to reverse the process.

Well, you may be interested to know that it has been successfully achieved and perfected in an Irish bar in Phuket. One glass was enough to send me back to the local beer. However, I will be surprised if it catches on, as the cheapest wine in Thailand is 200 baht a litre and water is 2 baht a litre.
But miracles are child’s play when compared to the skilful Thai craft of fruit and vegetable carving.
The art of carving
The metamorphosing of a carrot or melon into a rose is quite an outstanding achievement in my book. Yet it is done with skill and precision every day in many parts of Thailand when patient craftspeople perform the intricate art of fruit and vegetable carving to make adornments for banquets and festivals.
Children, mainly girls, are taught the art in some schools from the age of twelve. I was fascinated by the patience and time taken by ladies in Bangkok in the creation of these beautiful garnishes.