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Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. It has existed for thousands of years and has shaped human understanding of the world in profound ways. Throughout history, the greatest philosophers have thought, considered, written, and verbalised valuable views and opinions on many subjects that affect our lives. They leave legacies that have influenced modern thought and culture.
Who are the greatest philosophers of all time? The answer to this question is subjective and open to interpretation, but one thing is certain, whoever they are.
Their impact is undeniable. From ancient Greece to modern times, they have shaped the way we think about ourselves and the world. And if I have to choose, the greatest philosophers of the 22 I have listed in this article are:
- Socrates
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Karl Marx
- Rene Descartes
- Confucius
- Buddha
Philosophy is a unique field of study in that any person can practice it. We are all able to ponder on the nature of reality, conduct thought experiments, and create ethical structures for ourselves. Even children can be deeply philosophical.
However, throughout history, there have been those who have risen through the ranks of their peers to become great thinkers we can learn from today.
The philosophers we discus in this article changed the state of their communities. They encouraged people to consider the nature of reality, what is right and wrong, and how to think for themselves. They impacted their students and disciples, who often went on to be great thinkers, themselves. And their impact remains a central focus of today’s philosophical traditions.
So, grab your thinking cap and join me on a journey to find the greatest philosophers in history at any time.
Ancient Philosophers
Ancient Greece contributed a great deal to the philosophical tradition. While philosophers had their own unique theories and ideas, as well as ways of practicing philosophy, there were some commonalities. In Ancient Greece, political and ethical philosophy thrived. Science, mathematics, and physics emerged first as philosophical endeavors before coming into their own.
The Contribution from the Ancient Greek Philosophers
While most philosophers dabbled in many topics, we focus on their primary areas of study.
Socrates is well known for his method of questioning, the Socratic method. He used his method to help students arrive at conclusions. He considered ethical and political philosophy, and what it means to live a good life, and emphasised virtue and knowledge.
Plato was Socrates’ student. He wrote much of his work from the perspective of Aristotle, using his method of questioning. And Plato also considered ethical and political philosophy but was very interested in metaphysics. His Theory of Forms posits that there is a universe that contains the perfect version (think prototype) of all that exists in our world.
Aristotle was a scientific thinker. He is known as one of the pioneers of the scientific method. Like Plato and Socrates, Aristotle was interested in political and ethical philosophy.
Hippocrates and Galen
Hippocrates of Kos and Galen of Pergamon focused on science, and they studied medicine and anatomy.
Mathematics emerged during this period. Philosophers like Euclid of Alexandria, Archimedes of Syracuse, and perhaps most famously, Pythagoras of Samos, were some of the greatest philosophers studying mathematics.
Their Impact on Western Philosophy.
Ancient Greek philosophy made a huge impact on future philosophers. The philosophers we just mentioned are revered as the fathers of their respective traditions.
Many of these philosophers had students who continued where their mentors left off. They passed on the torch. We still think about and study these great thinkers as a central part of how we learn and practice philosophy. We often talk about standing on the shoulders of giants in philosophy. These great thinkers are those giants.
How their Ideas Influenced Modern thinking.
Ancient Greek philosophy’s focus on ethics and virtue makes it appealing and applicable across time. Many ideas and thoughts considered at this time are equally as relevant now as they were then. Quotes from this time continue to be used as inspiration for people today.
Medieval Philosophers
While the medieval ages are not known as a particularly exciting time for philosophy, there are still thinkers who we learn from today.
The medieval period was religious. It is no surprise, that much of the philosophy conducted and popularised then was focused on religion, the soul, and human nature.
The Contribution from Medieval Philosophers.
St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas are likely the most well-known medieval philosophers. They were both Christian men and focused most of their work around theology.
St. Augustine pioneered the idea of original sin. He believed that humans are born with evil tendencies because Adam and Eve ate the apple.
William of Ockham also gained popularity at the time for Ockham’s Razor, the idea that the simplest solution is usually the right one. Ockham was a scientific and logical thinker, as well as a theologian.
How their ideas shaped Western Philosophy during the Middle Ages
Philosophers provided something that was rare in the Middle Ages: critical thought. They considered the nature of rule at a time when rulers were largely malevolent, and criticism was unwelcome. The church did not welcome being questioned.
Philosophers of the Middle Ages resurrected the work of the Ancient Greeks. They redeemed the works of philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle by reconciling them with Christianity.
Renaissance and Enlightenment Philosophers
During the Enlightenment, there was a resurgence in philosophy. Rene Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were at the forefront during an exciting time. The primary theme for this period was political philosophy.
The Contribution from Renaissance and Enlightenment Philosophers.
Rene Descartes
Descartes is one of the greatest philosophers of all time. He is best known for his insistence on doubting everything. And he questioned what he could know and concluded that the only way to be sure was to eliminate all beliefs and start from scratch.
Descartes evaluated everything he believed to be knowledge and concluded that all he could know for sure was that he existed.
He uses his own thoughts as proof of this – how can he think without existing, he argued. “I think, therefore I am”.
John Locke
Locke is best known for pioneering human rights and arguing that governments must protect these rights.
Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes believed people were born selfish and violent, and that a social contract is needed to maintain order. He believed in a heavy-handed government.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau is also known for his social contract theory, though a very different one. Unlike St. Augustine and Hobbes, he believed that humans are born good, and that injustice corrupts them. A social contract allows for give-and-take, where we accept that forfeiting some individual freedoms is worth gaining other ones as a society.
How their ideas influenced Modern Political and Philosophical thought
The Enlightenment era, also known as the Age of Enlightenment, was a rich time for philosophy. Ideas that began to be carved out by the Ancient Greeks were fleshed out. Discussions regarding liberty, human rights and equity, a more moderate Christianity, and fair government and democracy began to gain popularity. Political sects, such as liberalism and communism were shaped during this time.
19th and 20th Century Philosophers
The 19th and 20th century were booming times for philosophy. Philosophers Fredrick Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Ludwig Wittgenstein were at the forefront. Modern philosophers focused on politics, and more than ever, on psychology.
The Contribution of the Modern Philosophers
Frederick Nietsche
Nietzsche was best known for his emphasis on individuality and creativity. He critiqued and challenged the traditional ideas of his time.
Karl Marx
Marx was a political philosopher and economist famously critical of capitalism, he favoured socialism.
Sigmund Freud
Freud was a neurologist who pioneered psychoanalysis, the therapeutic strategy wherein early childhood experiences are pulled from the unconscious mind. He argued that understanding these experiences allows us to understand the root of our issues. The article, titled Why Psychoanalysis is Still Relevant Today, discusses the impact Freud’s psychoanalysis continues to have on how psychology is practiced.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein’s work is primarily in the philosophy of language, and the importance of logic in how we use language.
How Their Ideas influenced Modern Philosophy, Psychology, and Politics
Marx’s socialism is an idea that continues to impact. While most societies today are not socialist, Marx’s emphasis on equity continues to have a ripple effect.
Freud changed the course of psychology. While psychoanalysis is a less popular method of therapy now, it continues to have a great influence on how therapy is conducted. While less emphasis is placed on the unconscious mind, emphasis on the impact of childhood experiences often remains.
Eastern Philosophers
The history of philosophy in the East, particularly in China and India, is also rich and abundant. Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Buddha are three of the greatest philosophers who have come from the East.
The Contributions of Eastern Philosophers

Painted by Qui Ying,
Confucius and Lao Tzu are the most influential thinkers originating from China. Confucius emphasised tradition, knowledge, virtue, and respect for parents, elders, and ancestors. Lao Tzu considered how we can be at harmony with the universe.
Buddha is the most influential philosopher from India, and believed that suffering was the result of desire. He taught, that through meditation, we can achieve mindfulness, gain wisdom, and relieve much of our suffering.
How Their Ideas Influenced Eastern and Western thought
Confucianism has had a great impact on China, and the ripple effect continues to be seen today. Filial Piety, the Confucian idea that parents, grandparents, and ancestors must be respected, continues to be practiced. Confucius’ teachings on virtue, wisdom, and knowledge continue to be relevant and influential today.
Buddhism continues to be a popular theology in both the East and West. It has changed the lives of the millions who have practiced the religion. Buddhism also popularised meditation, which is deeply beneficial, even to those who do not practice Buddhism.
How They Compare to Western Philosophers
There are many similarities between the Eastern and Western philosophical traditions. Ethical and political philosophy were major themes in both the East and West. Virtues, knowledge, and
There are also some differences. The political and societal climate of the East and West had a heavy influence on the philosophy practiced. The impact of the environmental factors in the East and West is seen in the wisdom of each of the great philosophers we have discussed.
Final Thoughts
At the end of our exploration of the greatest philosophers in history, it is clear their ideas still resonate today. From Socrates to Nietzsche, Confucius to Freud, their works remain relevant and thought-provoking.
Many great thinkers had humble beginnings. However, it is impossible not to see the effects of classism, racism, and sexism when we look at those who history has revered. As we move through the list, we recognise that many names are missing. These are the great thinkers whose wisdom was never listened to or heard. This wisdom will forever be lost to the discrimination seen in their respective time and place in the world.
The list of the greatest philosophers of all time is subjective and varies from person to person. It is up to each of us to continue exploring and forming our own opinions on the matter. We have also only scraped the surface. We recommend this YouTube video, Interactive Timeline of the History of Philosophy, for a masterful and thorough tour of the greatest philosophers throughout history.
Whether we agree on who is the greatest or not, one thing remains true. Philosophy will continue to play an important role in shaping the way we view the world and ourselves. So, let us continue to seek wisdom and understanding from the great minds of the past and present, and continue the legacy of philosophy for generations to come.