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Rural life in Thailand is very different from living in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket or Koh Samui. If you are looking for inexpensive living and real Thailand life, why not try a Thailand village. It’s the twenty-first century and the chances are you will find a few people who speak English, and maybe a foreigner or two as well. The cost of living in Thailand for expats is low in a village in Thailand, and you will find somewhere to rent easily. You will be warmly received and will find most people hospitable. Foreign men who live in villages, usually do so with their Thai wives or girlfriends, but don’t be put off if you are a single man or woman. There are plenty of Thais who will be more than happy to improve their English and befriend you.
To live in a Thai village and be happy in rural Thailand, YOU will have to change. No-body else will and you can’t expect them to. If you speak conversational Thai and you understand Thai culture you will have a BIG advantage. – is just one of the 10 things you need to know.
So if you haven’t done it yet but plan to live in a Thai village here are 10 things you need to know. It is also a good idea to remember this is when farangs (Westerners) stop calling the shots.
1 – If you speak Thai you will have an advantage
In a Thailand village the people will be surprised and you will be accepted more easily if you speak Thai. But most foreigners have a smattering of Thai and are unable to talk conversational Thai. So don’t worry, you will be in the majority and Thais understand.
2 – If you speak conversational Thai and you understand Thai culture you will have a BIG advantage
But then you will have no need to read further, because you will probably know everything I am going to share with you. What I am really saying here is, if you can aspire to this and work towards it you will be ‘quids’ in, in your new Thailand village.
3 – If you have a Thai wife or a Thai partner don’t believe all they say
Don’t take this the wrong way because it is important to understand. I am not saying they are untrustworthy, but you will need to know their status in the village will change because you have arrived.
They may not realise this until it happens. And they will tell you things about rural life in Thailand and village people, which they believe to be true. But those things may not be as true as they think.
In Thailand’s hierarchical society your Thai wife may not be of high standing because she is not well off. Or she isn’t a teacher or other government employee (positions which are highly prized). But when you arrive she will be viewed differently by many people because it will be assumed that you are rich.
Like it or not, possessions and money (perceived or real) are the benchmarks by which she is judged. She may become a target of jealousy among family and friends. More likely friends. This can lead to upsets when she finds out that what she told you about some people proves to be wrong. Be careful; she will need your support.

4 – Listen, watch and learn
This is a basic tenet for life in general. But if you add ‘and don’t speak too much’ there is a different emphasis in rural Thailand. You are quite likely to misinterpret what is going on because of the cultural and language differences. So engage your brain and process stuff well in advance of speaking, except for the mundane.
5 – When you disagree don’t voice it publicly
Even when we understand things perfectly we often disagree. And you will definitely have disagreements. How you deal with them is critical, and is one of the most difficult areas for outspoken Westerners (farangs). You will have to bite your lip until it drops off. If you don’t you will be ostracised quicker than you can imagine.
6 – Don’t give in to family pressure
This is a big one, and you must set the ground rules early on.
Remember, you are a farang, therefore as far as most Thais think, you must be rich. That’s a given. They may come at you from all sides, like guerillas, and you may not spot them.
This issue is partly covered in Point 3. But money may not be the only pressure point. Remember that your wife or partner is also a daughter, and regardless of age has a demanding responsibility towards her parents, while ever they are alive. This is a parental right in Thai culture that is unlikely to change in your lifetime, if ever. You can never expect to be ‘numero uno’, so don’t be a wedge.

7 – Expect to get screwed but don’t become a recluse
This may sound amusing but it is not. It can be very tempting at times to slam the door, but it won’t help you one little bit. You must learn to understand the handout or take mentality of some Thais.
Whilst it is considered wrong by the more modern and enlightened, this attitude still prevails, is ingrained in a lot of people and they do not consider it to be bad.
You are not a Missionary, so don’t mess yourself up trying to change things. You never will.
8 – Rural life in Thailand – The Pros and Cons
Learn how Thailand village life works, integrate and you will be accepted. If you are moving to a village in Thailand, you’d better learn to love it, even if it is alien to you.
Some farangs can’t, or aren’t prepared to integrate. They end up locking themselves away from the villagers and don’t communicate. They are in the wrong place and will never be happy.
If you embrace Thailand life, there is such a lot to enjoy, simple as it may be, and soon you will become a Thai. Once you learn the ropes and villagers see that you understand them all the negatives aspects will disappear. Be patient. 99.9% of the villagers won’t have had the worldly experience you have had.
9 – Be friendly with everyone – Make friends with no-one
This may sound a bit harsh but it is good advice. Families are big, and doubly so in Thailand villages. You won’t believe how many cousins everyone has.
It costs nothing to be friendly, and after all your are in the land of smiles. Thais are brilliant at pretending. Take a leaf out of their book, but be careful who you get close to.
It’s better safe than sorry.
10 – Get to know who matters
Last of all, but by no means the least. Some people in your village will have power, like the head man, usually a rural politician, and the Mayor for example. There are also the village elders who command great respect.
Many local politicians and police live in the villages in Thailand. It can be like a secret society at times. And until you are well established you won’t know who’s who or who you may need to help you at some point. So make it your job to find out and, unobtrusively, get to know them.
You may also find that a few people speak good English and they will be proud to talk and help you if needs be.

So now you know. To live in a Thai village and be happy in rural Thailand YOU will have to change. No-body else will and you can’t expect them to.
Final Thought
If you do are thinking of building a house in Thailand, maybe because your thai spouse has some land in a village, then you should read my post on house building in Thaialnd.
I lived and worked in Thailand for 2 months. The first impression of Thailand and Thai people to me was very good.
Thai people are friendly and always smile, even to strangers.
Thai food is too spicy. Some are too sweat or too sour. But I like that flavor.
Thanks for the comment Liam. Yours is a lovely story, it sounds like you have some really good people around you and you have integrated well. Which part of Thailand do you live? Keep visiting; James
My Thai Girl Friend had a house built in her Village with savings she made from working 23 years in Bangkoks Rag Trade. Our problem was that when we were not there her Brothers family would use it but had to move out when we arrived.
Not knowing how long our relationship would last I took the gamble and had a modest Farang house built. That was 12 years ago. In that time Nid has given up work and I have been her sole support. Last week we moved into our new 3 B/R home. Her Sister will now move into the smaller house.
I have now lived in the Moo Barn over 6 years and am acceptd by the villiagers. I am treated with respect and return the same.
To be accepted is one thing but I will never be one of them.
In all my time here I have never been asked for money. I do remember once giving her father B/T 1000.
I am not that Naive to think Nid dosn’t slip them a Baht now & again. Why else would her family often come around with food?
Is it because she has a house rent free? Or is it the Thai custom of Shareing?
Last week I had to attend Hospital in Bangkok and there was 30 people at my house wishing me luck.
I was raised in a small country town.Mom was a widow and we
were dirt poor. I can not remember ever receiving a Birthday present and I was 12 before I got my first pair of shoes.
That is why I can relate to these people.
Living in Chiangmai / Bangkok is great But how often have you looked up at night and seen a Patch work of Stars.
Thank you Cinda. I don’t have a formal Thai wife but I live in a Thai household. I don’t think an older Westerner can ever honestly say they are totally at one with the Asian culture any more than vice versa a Thai could if living in Western society. Although some things are unacceptable, the secret, I believe, is to accept the way things are even though you may not agree. Not easy. The fatal mistake is to try and change the thinking of someone from another culture. Keep well. James
Interesting post and no doubt good advice. (Do you have a Thai wife by chance?)
Hope it helps a little. We all need to learn from our own experiences. Keep well Jackie.
good advice