Life From Above and Beyond: Spectacular Drone Experience

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I’d like to share a beautiful gift from photographer, Trey Ratcliffe. Trey uses drones which add another dimension to his photography. He presents the film, Life from Above, and Beyond, beautifully, allowing us to view life from above ground as though we are the camera. Imagine what it must be like to be a bird. The late philosopher, Alan Watts narrates posthumously, taking us on a journey way beyond the pictures.

Alan Watts

Alan Watts is considered as the foremost interpreter of Eastern disciplines for the contemporary West. He had an astonishing and an indescribable way of writing the unwritable.

Among all the qualities of this great orator and writer, he had an unique gift of expressing complex thoughts in the form of simple and illustrated thoughts. The simple way he exemplified and expressed all his reflections made him and universal philosopher, someone that could be comprehended by the vast majority of the people. Let’s see some of Alan Watts’ magic and awakening quotes.

Jose Andres Arvide

Life From Above: The Stunning Visual Experience of Drone Video

By capturing breathtaking footage from unique perspectives previously unattainable, drone videography and aerial photography provide a stunning visual experience. Modern techniques use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones to collect high-resolution footage over long distances and remote areas.

One of the key advantages of drone videography is its ability to provide a fresh and engaging point of view. By flying the drone at various altitudes and angles, videographers can create striking shots that draw the viewer in and convey a sense of scale and grandeur. From sweeping panoramic views of landscapes to close-up shots of intricate details, drone footage has the power to transport us into the natural world of birds.

Drones are versatile and can be used in a wide range of settings, from urban cityscapes to rugged wilderness areas. They can take off and land on any terrain. Whether it be promotional videos for business, documentaries about remote locations, or a cinematic short films, drone footage can elevate the overall production value.

The Technical Aspects of Drone Videography 

Modern drones are equipped with cameras capable of capturing in high-quality video 4K resolution or even higher. These cameras have large image sensors, fast lenses, and advanced image stabilising systems. Thus, ensuring smooth and stable footage even in challenging weather conditions. 

Additionally, many drones come with intelligent flight modes and automated camera movements, allowing the capture of complex shots with ease. The process of creating drone video involves several steps:

  • The videographer plans the shoot, considering factors such as the desired shots, lighting conditions, and any potential obstacles or hazards. 
  • Then he sets up the drone and camera equipment, ensuring everything is functioning properly and the batteries are charged.
  • During the shoot, the videographer pilots the drone, adjusting the camera settings and framing the shots as needed. 
  • Finally, the footage is transferred to a computer for post-production, where it can be edited, colour-graded, and combined with other elements to create the video.

Final Thoughts

Adding appropriate music, drone videography can offer a stunning visual experience that elevates the quality of any video production. By providing unique perspectives, versatility, and advanced technical capabilities, drones have become an essential tool for filmmakers, marketers, and content creators alike. 

As technology evolves, we can expect to see even more breathtaking and innovative drone footage for years to come.

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Updated, May 2024