Why do People Write When Great Authors Hate Writing

a-confession-tolstoy Why do People Write When Great Authors Hate Writing

The joy of writing is a pleasure I wish I had known when I was a young man. But in those days, I must have been too busy living to ask questions, like why do people write, why do writers write, and what is the purpose of your life?

I questioned little until I was well into my thirties. By then life had dumped enough problems on me to make me sit up and wonder as many others before me had done. What was life about?


Why do People Write?

There are many writers and a lot of reasons why they write. They may use writing for therapy, business, communication, or just fun. Writing gives pleasure to millions of writers and readers for a multitude of reasons. Whether they write to make money or any other reason, writing offers so much.

The process of writing alone is enough for many writers. Some write because it helps them relax. Some write anything as writing can help other thoughts. Why people write can’t be answered simply.

Reading is private and personal. Published writing is for public consumption and belongs to the reader. Sharing your writing is confessional.

When I read ‘A Confession’ by Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) I was stunned by his honesty and the revelation that such a great author didn’t enjoy writing. So, why did he write? Simply – to earn money to support his young family. And he was talented enough to do it.

Why did Tolstoy Write ‘A Confession’ and Lay Himself Bare?

A Confession is a short work on the subject of melancholia, philosophy and religion, which Tolstoy wrote in 1879 when he was 51 years old. In it, he addresses the real meaning of life while in a depressed state. A state brought about by an obsession to understand the meaning, or rather the non-meaning, of life.

My reason for reading his work was not to depress myself, although  ‘A Confession’ could easily have done that. It was to gain some insight as to why such a creative and successful man took to writing, not because of a passion, but solely for financial reasons. And, why would he expose his flaws for the world to read?

Perhaps he knew the subject of his affliction would sell books. Or was it a cathartic exercise?

Many Reasons Why We Write: Lets Explore Some

Why do people write when great authors like Tolstoy don’t even enjoy what they do best? In Tolstoy’s search for the meaning of life, he wrote to earn money to support his young family. A simple answer to a complex question?

Professional authors who are subservient to large publishing houses and under such constraint, are expected to churn out novels on demand as often as the sun rises. Is it any wonder, then, that famous authors often produce sub-standard work?

The joy of writing should not be sullied in this way.

People write for many reasons, including to earn a living. But I am sure that is secondary to many others.

Writing allows individuals to express themselves in many ways and serves as a versatile tool for individuals to:

  • connect with others,
  • create stories,
  • explore their imagination,
  • influence opinions,
  • raise awareness,
  • heal emotional wounds,
  • support others,
  • leave a lasting impact,
  • explore topics,
  • share knowledge, and
  • nurture creativity.

What is the Meaning of Life Tolstoy Searched for?

What is the real meaning of life, is an age old question we have probably all asked ourselves at some time. The conundrum usually passes us by, and we are not driven to write a book on the subject.

When Tolstoy posed the question to himself, I could feel his frustration, when he said;

“Why should I live; why wish for anything or do anything?”

He was very successful, well-off financially and a great writer, but it meant nothing. It was of no value to him, or of any consolation, as he could not find meaning in life.

Of course, he is not the only person to have talked to himself and asked, what is the purpose of my life? But to be as successful as he was, and feel it is all pointless must be a very sad feeling indeed.

Did Intellectuals of Tolstoy’s Era Struggle with Old Beliefs?

It must have been difficult for intellectuals of that era to grapple with a world that blindly, accepted old superstitions. Beliefs based on ancient unsubstantiated manuscripts, written by people who had a fraction of the knowledge available today, were challenged by intellectuals of the time.

But science, as it was then, was unable to provide answers or theories to support justifiable questions. It must have frustrated Tolstoy and others, but is hardly surprising.

Charles Darwin- Origin of Species

a-confession-tolstoy Why do People Write When Great Authors Hate Writing

Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’ was published in 1859 which must have been a significant pointer. But I have not seen any evidence that Tolstoy even mentioned it, although it was written twenty years prior to his book, ‘A Confession’.

Was There Really No Joy in Writing for Tolstoy?

It seems he did not experience the joy of writing. What would I give for one iota of Toltoy’s talent? Certainly not my sanity or the melancholy he suffered. I discovered late in life, the immense pleasures of writing.

Over the years that followed, it has become to me as eating – a necessity to sustain life. For without it I would surely die. Maybe not physically, although, I can’t be certain. But from lack of creativity, without a doubt.

Reason for Writing: Passion or Profession?

I came to writing on a circuitous route via a love of literature, purely as a hobby. I had no thoughts of it as a way to earn a living or even pocket money.

So, it didn’t occur to me that not all authors enjoy writing, they just do it to make a living. When I found there were many who fell into the category of unhappy writers, I was quite surprised. So, why do people write, when there are easier ways to earn a living?

If you just do it for a living then it can surely become tedious. I am sure I wouldn’t enjoy writing if I had to do it, as much as I do. And I do love it.

But I do hate having to find the right shelf in Amazon’s bookstore for my latest literary fiction novel, although I understand the reason. So, I am not a fan of writing to market, and I have no intention of trying. I’m sure I couldn’t write an erotic romance novel however hard I tried.

The Joy of Creative Writing

Write: Use Your Brain

The more you write the easier it will become and the easier it becomes the more you will write.

Look for the Energy

Writing is energising and at the same time energy sapping. It will consume your waking hours and then it won’t cease in slumber, depriving you of much needed sleep. But you will be alive, tired but vibrant.

Live in your imaginary world

The story will take on a life of its own. And you will be its willing slave, the conduit for creative outpouring.

Create with the muse

The muse will give new vitality. And every time you write, pray youI won’t drop dead before the work is finished.

Harness the Force

Such is the force, that sometimes the creative spirit is so powerful that it drags the physical being along for the ride.

To Analyse or Not to Analyse

Do not be too analytical, for fear of stifling your creativity. The ability learnt over time, that great writers have of marrying creativity and technical skills, may be missing. And the more you learn, the more you realise there is to learn.

But there is no need to concern yourself with that, as there is no end to learning. It is not a finite process. As you grow old, you have less time to dwell and will focus more. Learn what needs to be learnt on the hoof. Don’t procrastinate too long.

I could never write solely to earn a living, as Tolstoy did. Not because I am not good enough, although that may well be the case. But because it is the joy of writing itself that spurs authors on – the financial reward is a by-product. And it is probably why artists never retire until they die.

So, in that alone, I regret a little that my discovery of the joy of writing came so late in life. However, I feel luckier than Tolstoy, in that I have accepted there is no meaning to life.

I can enjoy the rest of mine, writing, along with a few other small pleasures, while contemplating on the question, why do people write.

How to Begin Writing a Novel

I dreamt of writing a novel for a long time. Although the seeds were planted years before I began to write, they were slow to germinate. The time had to be right for me to start the process. The time arrived of its own accord, and the story began to unfold in my head day after day.

 It consumed me, and I lived with the characters day after day, and some nights barely sleeping. One story became two and two became three until my first series was complete.

During the process, the end was far out of sight. I had never done anything like it before. But I had a vision and sketchy plan that evolved over time. Here are five points to get the process going.

  • Find a compelling story
  • Look for a gripping villain.
  • Get the best protagonist you can dream up
  • Start developing the plot – write 40 chapter headings to set the scenes.
  • Write a brief summary of each scene, in any order.

You now have a skeleton ready to put flesh on.

Haunted by Things Writers Fear Most.

When will you finish

This will haunt you until you let go. Some writers set specific targets. I prefer to say, it will be finished when it is finished, but these are rough timelines which are achievable.

Writer’s block

Writer’s block can be a nightmare for some authors, but I can’t imagine how it could happen, so it doesn’t worry me. It still doesn’t, and I have yet to experience it. Everyone is different and there’s no point in sweating over what may or may not happen.

Time is my enemy. What is yours?

Not having as much time as I would like does bother me. I still Imagine all the knowledge, information, experience, and emotional turmoil, I have collected and continue to amass, waiting to be set free, never seeing the light of day. Yes, time and wellness are my only enemies.

Yours will probably be something else, recognise it and deal with it.

Final Thought

How many of us possess the artistic and creative ability to unlock the potential within, while we have been too busy trying to survive, by any means, while growing old? Probably a lot more than we realise.

We write for a variety of reasons which are usually very personal.

We now know Tolstoy wrote to support his family. Others, who have accomplished great things, may feel a desire or obligation to share their experiences with others. Some people have skills they can teach others through the written word. Novelists have stories they think will entertain. Poets have a magical way with words.

I believe most writers are like artists, actors and musicians, driven by their creative talent to entertain others.

Which one are you?

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Updated April 2024

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